Saturday, September 13, 2008

Who is Voncine?

My sister pointed out some of you might not know who Voncine is. So, I thought I would explain.

A long, long time ago there was a lady named Voncine. She worked at a cheese plant in Monet, MO. While she worked there she met two young people named Larry and Goldie. She thought they would make a good couple. So, she played matchmaker and introduced them.

Larry and Goldie just happen to be my parents. They decided to name their first daughter after this wonderful woman, hoping she would be as wonderful as she was. Gues what. She is. At least that is what I have been told!!!

My full name is Angelea Voncine McGarrah.


Charity Brown said...

Yay! You did a post just for me!

Sherry Valentin said...

You know, after all this time of knowing you ( which has been well over 20 years ) I do not think I have heard that story!! If I did I did not pay any attention!!! ivsmh

Sherry Valentin said...

Sorry the stupid letters were attached to the last one!! Hehehe