Thursday, July 30, 2009

Invites to a Shin-Dig

I have decided to have a Shin-Dig at my place. Here are the invites which I have been working on. Let me know what you think.
The overal front view. Sherry can up with the idea for the strap. Just a nice added touch.In the picture below you can barely make out, thanks to the flash, that my address is written around the lens. Cute idea!!

The information for the party will be written in the display field. I think these turned out really cute. Thank you Martha Junior for you help in designing them.

Annie McGarrah RIP

Two weeks after moving to Richmond I had to put Annie to sleep so that she could be out of pain. She is dearly missed. This was one of the hardest decisions which I have ever had to make.

Dogs in the back seat

Just some pictures of the dogs in the back seat. Don't know how good they are. Hope you enjoy.
Here is a picture of Annie laying out in the back seat. You can see a little bit of Zeke. Annie really had a hard time getting in and out of the car. I felt really bad for her.
Zekey hiding from the sun. He had a hard time finding a place where he could sleep without his face in the sun. Poor baby.

Move to VA

So, If you didn't know this, in June I moved to Virginia. This was a great move for me. I really have enjoyed the move. Marcus was kind enough to travel out to Virginia with me, then I flew him back home. I packed up my car, loaded the dogs in the back seat, and headed out. 3 major car crashes, 1 trashy hotel, $150 in gas, 10 potty stops for the dogs, and 18 hours of driving later we arrived in Virginia.

My new job put me up in corporate housing for four months and pays for everything. And I mean everything. Rent, utilities, cable, internet, plus I get a stipend every payday to cover food and gas. More pictures later of the apartment.

The new job is wonderful. I love my team and my job. I have learned a lot since moving here.

On the trip here I saw this sign and thought of Sherry. Thought I would post it so you all could enjoy it with her. I actually pulled over and took the picture.