Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bead project #1.2

Here is a picture from the second day of working on the Lily.  I think it is turning out good considering it is the first project.  What do you think?

And for your viewing pleasure, my Zeke!


Charity Brown said...

Nicely done. You should take a picture of your hand or a coin or something by it the next time so everyone can see just how small it is. It looks like it is bigger than it is in real life in the pictures.

Angelea said...

That is true. I think I said the dimensions in the first post. Maybe when I take the picture tonight I will... Good idea. Just so everyone knows, it is very small. Currently about 3 inches by 2 1/2 inches.

goldie mcgarrah said...

Pretty. Also, it is great at any time to see Zeke in the picture.