Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bead Project #6.4

Ok, it has been a few days since my last update.  Since then I have made a trip to KY for work.  I am going to be stuck in a hotel for the next 15 days, so I should have time to work on Bead Project #6.  Here is the most current picture.

I think that you can really start seeing what the picture is.  If you haven't guessed yet, it is off one of my favorite subjects!  Zeke!!!  I am getting more excited as more beads are placed. 

Bead Stats:
Row:  45/236
Percentage finished:  19%
Number of beads placed: 8100
Number of beads left to place:  34380

1 comment:

Charity Brown said...

You are taking my photography to a whole new level. Hehe! :D