Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RIP Squirrel

On the way to work this morning, I had the unfortunate experience of hitting a squirrel as it tried to cross four lanes of traffic going 70 miles per hour. Rest on Peace Squirrel and please forgive me for murdering you.


Anonymous said...

That is so sad! Poor little squirrel. He was so scared and could not understand what was whizzing by him so quickly in that big open space. One time I cried so hard when I hit a bird. That was bad. Even still worse was when I have hit and killed dogs maybe 3 times in my driving years. Sometimes those things just happen. Ugh! If you think you murdered the squirrel, what have I been when dogs and birds have died because of me. Oh my!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is beautiful that you did a memorial for the little squirrel. I have shed a tear for it, and my heart feels real achy. Isn't your Mom silly? At least you know I have a heart.

Charity Brown said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... :(

Sherry Valentin said...

Ok... So I TOTALLY love squirrels ALMOST as much as Christmas! I bet you did not know that! I always wonder if the squirrels that die ... if their wife and kids are waiting at home for him to bring dinner and if they have a Squirrel welfare system so her kids won't starve I'm just saying!