Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bead project #4.2

I finished the Swallow bead project.  I love how it turned out and the colors are perfect!  I just love it!!!  Here is the picture of the completed project.  I am not sure if I am going to turn it into a bracelet or possible just frame it.  Either way, it will be amazing!

Here is the link to the Etsy pattern site in case you are interested in purchasing the pattern:  http://www.etsy.com/listing/74844842/swallow-peyote-cuff-pattern-saving-buy-2?ref=sr_gallery_1&ga_search_submit=&ga_search_query=peyote+swallow&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade

This is the same person that I bought the skull and knife pattern from.  I just love here patterns!  I will definitely buy more from her in the future.


Charity Brown said...

You've got WAY too much free time. ;) Looks good sis!

Sherry Valentin said...

I don't think that I could do the little tiny beads.... It is pretty!!